CHAPTER - 1 KITE Class 6 English Odisha Board

Language : English

CHAPTER - 1 KITE Class 6 English Odisha Board Notes (Questions and Answers)



*Comprehension Questions –

Q1. What is the poem about?
Ans: The poem is about a kite.

Q2. The poet speaks of two situations of a kite. What are they?

(Kite on ground and _____________________ )

Ans: Kite on the ground and  kite in the air.

Q3. In which situation is the kite more active- in the air or on the ground?
Ans: The kite is more active in the air.

Q4. What does it do when it is in the air?
Ans: When the kite is in the air, it dances, sings and capers.

Q5. How is it when on the ground?
Ans: When the kite is on the ground, it is just a piece of paper and string.

Q6. Where is the kite very happy – in the air or on the ground?
Ans: The kite is very happy in the air.

Q7. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
Ans: There are two stanzas in the poem.

Q8. What does the first stanza talk about?
Ans: The first stanza talks about the two situations of kite, how the kite is on the ground and how is it up in the air.

Q9. What does the second stanza talk about?
Ans: The second stanza talks about how the kite is in the air and back on the ground.

Q10. What do the first two lines of the first stanza talk about – kite on the ground or kite in the air?
Ans: The first two lines of the first stanza talk about- a kite on the ground.

Q11. What do the first two lines of the 2nd stanza talk about – kite on the ground or kite in the air?
Ans: The first two lines of the second stanza talk about – a kite in the air.

Session – 2

III. Post-Reading

1. Visual Memory Development Technique (VMDT) :

kite flying (Pic), kite flying (Pic), string, caper, sing

2. Listening : 

(i) Your teacher will read aloud some of the words listed below. You tick the words in your book.

ground, kite, string, dance, sing, caper
– (Listen to the teacher and tick the word in your book she/he reads aloud.)

(ii) Your teacher reads aloud the first stanza, you listen to him/her and fill in the blanks.

 kite  on the  ground 

Is  just  paper and  string,

But  up  in the  air 

It will  dance and sing.

3. Speaking

(i) Chain-drill: “A kite on the ground

 A kite in the air.”

(ii) Reading aloud: “Teacher Vs. Students, 

 Students Vs. Students (all the lines)

Teacher reads aloud first line; the students, the second line.

One group of students reads aloud the first line; other group, the second line.

4. Mental Talk : 

“A kite on the ground
Just paper and string.”

Session – 3

5. Writing:

(A) Answer the following questions.

(i) What is the poem about?
Ans: The poem is about the kites. It compares two situations of the kite. It states how the kite is happy when it is in the air. The kite happily sings and dances when it is in the air. On the contrary, when the kite is on the ground, it becomes lifeless. It becomes just a piece of paper.

(ii) The two states of a kite are kite on the and kite ________ and kite ________.
Ans: The two states of a kite are kite on the ground and kite in the air.

(iii) What does a kite do when in the air?
Ans: A kite is happy when it is in the air. It sings and dances happily and cheerfully. A kite feels lively when it is flown in the sky.

(iv) What do the first two lines of the first stanza talk about? (Kite on the ground)
Ans: The first two lines of the first stanza talk about when a kite is on the ground, it is lifeless and inactive. It becomes just a piece of paper when it is on the ground.

(v) What do the first two lines of the second stanza talk about? 

     (Kite in the air)
Ans: The first two lines of the second stanza talk about when a kite is in the air, it is happy. It dances cheerfully. It becomes lively and free when it is in the air.

(B) Given below are four pairs of lines on one side and two themes on the other side. Match them.

(i) But up in the air

    It will dance and sing

                                                                                    (i) and (ii) Answer: Kite alive

(ii) A kite in the air 

    Will dance and caper

(iii) A kite on the ground

     Is just paper and string

                                                                                        (iii) and (iv) Answer: Kite dead

(iv) But back on the ground 

      Is just string and paper

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