Language : English





Comprehension Questions and Answers:

1. Who are there in this part of the story?

Ans. Cat and Mouse are there in this part of the story.

2. Who wanted to eat the mouse? Why?

Ans. A cat wanted to eat the mouse because the cat was hungry.

3. Why could not the cat eat the mouse?

Ans. The cat couldn’t eat the mouse as the mouse was inside her hole.

4. What did the mouse think?

Ans. The mouse thought that if she came out of her hole the cat would eat her.

5. The mouse did not come out of her hole. What would the cat do then?

Ans. The mouse did not come out of her hole, so the cat would think of a new plan.


Comprehension Questions & Answers:-

1. Who asked most of the questions in the story?

Ans. The cat asked most of the questions in the story.

2. Who praised whom? Why?

Ans. The cat praised and comes out of the hole.

3. How did the mouse feel about it?

Ans. The mouse felt proud about it.



1. Visual Memory Development Technique (VMDT)

Whole text: The mouse inside the hole, the cat praised the door; the mouse came out and was caught.

Part: Proud, opened the door.

2. Comprehension Activities:- (Tick √ the right choice to complete each sentence)

1. The cat called the mouse because he wanted to _____.

a) Play with her

b) eat her

c) give her a gift

d) sing with her

Ans. eat her

2. The mouse did not come out of her hole because _____.

a) She knew the cat’s intention very well.

b) She was busy cooking

c) her door did not open

d) She was busy dancing

Ans. She was busy cooking

3.  _______ opened the door of the mouse’s house.

a) The squirrel

b) The mouse

c) The cat

d) The Cat and the mouse

Ans. The mouse


 II. Who said the following statements?

a) What are you doing inside the hole? Cat

b) How nice the weather is! Cat

c) I’m cooking my food. Mouse

d) Can I cook food for you? Cat

e) Your house is very nice. Cat

f)  I’ve made it myself.  Mouse

g) I’ll open my nice door myself. Mouse



Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks.

There was a cat and there was a mouse. One day the cat felt very hungry. He wanted to eat the mouse. But the mouse was inside her hole.So he thought, “What shall I do to make the mouse out of her hole ?”



(a) Chain – Drill, I’ll open my door myself.”

(b) Dialogue:-

(i) Cat: What are you doing inside your house?

Mouse: I’m cooking my food.

(ii) Cat: Can I open your nice door?

Mouse: I’ll open my nice door myself.



(a) Match the words in A with their meaning in B.


     A                   B

 attempt        -   without feeling angry

attention      -  plan

coolly         - they to do something difficult

intention      -  notice


(b)Given below a cross-word puzzle. Read the clues given and solve the puzzle.

1. C _ _


2. H _ _ _


3. W _ _ _ _ _

4. M _ _ _ _

5. F _ _ _

6. H _ _ _ _

7. D _ _ _



1. It kills mouse

Ans. Cat

2. A mouse lives inside it

Ans. Hole

3. It is on the wall of a house.

Ans. Window

4. We call it “rat”

Ans. Mouse

5. We eat it to live

Ans. Food

6. We live in it

Ans. House


7.   We go inside a house through it.

Ans. Door

 Session – 6


a.   Notice the words underlined in the following sentence.

“Can I cook for you, sister mouse?” asked the cat?

“No, thanks, I’ll cook the food for myself.”

When someone offers to do something for us and we say ‘no’ to it, we say “ No, thanks.

Here are some situations in which people offer you help. But you say ‘no’. Fill in the blanks with what you will say. On is done for you.

1.   “Can I brush your shoes?” said your mother

Ans. No, thanks, I’ ll do it myself.

2.   “Shall I was your clothes?’ your friend said

Ans. No, thanks, I ’ll do it myself.

3.   “Will I carry your school bag for you?’

Ans. No, thanks, I’ ll do it myself.

4.   “Shall I clean your bicycle?” your brother said

Ans. No, thanks, I’ ll do it myself.

5.   “Can I sharpen your pencil?” your classmate said

Ans. No, thanks, I’ ll do it myself.


b.   Notice the word underlined.

“Your house is very nice. Who made this house for you” ? the cat said. “ I’ve made it myself,” proudly replied the mouse.


The word “myself” in the sentence tells that the mouse made her house with anyone’s help. Go back to your lesson and see how many times “myself” has been used. Look at the following box and see how “self” / “selves” are used with other words.


Words     Self/Selves

I         myself

we        ourselves

you        yourself

you        yourselves

he         himself

she        herself

it          itself

they       themselves


Rewrite the following sentence choosing “self” of “selves”

a.   I draw pictures myself/myselves.

Ans. I draw pictures myself

b.   We do our work ourself/ourselves.

Ans. We do our work ourselves

c.   They fly kites the myself/themselves.

Ans. They fly kites themselves

d.   Saurav writes poems himself/himselves.

Ans. Saurav writes poems himself.

e.   Kiran does her homework herself/hereselves.

Ans. Kiran does her homework herself.




Session – 7

 Writing:- ·Answer the following questions.

a.   Who wanted to eat the mouse?

Ans. The cat wanted to eat mouse?

b.   Why couldn’t he eat the mouse?

Ans. He couldn’t eat the mouse because she was inside her hole.

c.   Did the mouse know about the cat’s plan?

Ans. Yes, the mouse knew about the cat’s plan.

d.   Who praised whom?

Ans. The cat praised the mouse.

e.   Did the mouse feel proud because of praise?

Ans. Yes, the mouse felt proud because of the praise.

f.   What did the cat do when the mouse came out?

Ans. When the mouse came out the cat quickly caught her and run away.

g.   Who opened the mouse’s door?

Ans. The mouse himself opened the mouse’s door.


Session – 8

Here are some sentences. Put then in correct order and get the story you have just read.

First write the numbers inside the boxes then write then in order.

1.   The cat praised the mouse. 7

2.   He went near the mouse’s hole. 4

3.   She opened her door and came out. 9

4.   He called the mouse to come out and play. 5

5.   There was a cat and there was mouse. 1

6.   The mouse knew his intention and did not open the door.6

7.   One day the cat was very hungry. 2

8.   The cat quickly caught her and ran away.10

9.   He wanted to eat the mouse. 3

10. The mouse felt proud.8

Session – 9

Mental Talk

“I have built my house myself.”

“I have built my window myself.”

“I have built my door myself.”

Let’s think:-

Who is proud? Who is clever ? Pride wins over clever or cleverness wins over pride?



Session – 10

The Myself Baby

Comprehension questions and answers.

1.   Why is the title of the text “The Myself Baby”.

Ans. The title of the text is “The Myself Baby” as the child wants to do everything on his own.

2.   Why does the child say, “No, no”

Ans. The child says “No, no to everything as he wants to do everything himself.

3.   Who is “I” in the poem?

Ans. I in the poem is the child

4.   Who is “You” in the line – 7 of the poem?

Ans. The Child is “You” in the line – 7 of the poem.

5.   What action words do you find in the poem?

Ans. The action words found in the poem are brush, feed, wash, dress, put on, comb

6.   Say all the body part you find the poem.

Ans.  Teeth, face, hair and ear are the body parts found in the poem.

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