Language : English




Comprehension Questions & Answers:-

 1. What is the poem about?

Ans. The poem is about cats and their sleeping places.

2. The poem tells us about many places where cats sleep. How many places?

Ans. The poem tells us about eleven places where cats can sleep.

 3. What are these places?

Ans. These places are under the table, on the chair, top of a piano, window-ledge, in the middle or on the edge of the window, open drawer, empty shoe, anybody's lap, cardboard box, in the cupboard with our frocks.

4. Why do cats sleep in many places?

Ans. The cats sleep in many places as they don't care (about) where they sleep.

5. Does the poet like the cats? How do you know?

Ans. Yes, the poet likes the cat, as he knows a lot about cats and their sleeping places.

6. Who is 'They" in the last line of the poem?

Ans. 'They' in the last line of the poem refers to cats.

7. Cats are very close to people. How do you know this?

Ans. Cats are very close to people as they are mostly kept in our homes as pets.

8. What work do the cats do for us?

Ans.. The cats help us to keep the rats away from our homes.

9. Should we take care of the cats? How?

Ans. Yes, we should take care of the cats by feeding them and giving them places to sleep in our homes.

10. Do you love cats? Why?

Ans. I love cats as they are very cute and they play with me.





1. Visual Memory Development Technique (VMDT)

Whole: How many stanzas are there in this poem?

Which stanza talks about "t and chair"?

Where is the word "frocks"?

Which stanza talks about "shoe”?

Part: Last stanza: cats, They don't care.


2. Comprehension Activities:


(a) Fill in the blanks choosing the alternatives.


1. Cats sleep _______.

a)in the garden

b)in the room


d)in the field

2. Cats _______.

a) care,everybody,

b) don't care,anybody,

c) follow everybody

d) obey everybody

3. "They" in the last stanza is used for _______.


a) Cats

b) Dogs

c) Rats

d) Bats

4. Where are the frocks?

a) on the table

b) in the box

c) in the cupboard

d) on the wall


(b) List at least six places from the poem where cats sleep. Remember to use correct words (prepositions): – 'on', 'under', 'inside' before the places. One has been done for you.

a) Under the table

b) on the chair

c) In the middle

d) on the edge

e) In the cupboard

f)  In the cardboard box




Teacher reads the poem aloud and the learners listen to the teacher. Listen to the poem and list all the places described in the poem.




(a) Reading aloud:

Teacher reads aloud one line, students repeat after him/her in chorus. (Then one stanza after another)


(b) Chain-drill:


"Cats are good pets."

"Cats sleep anywhere."




5. Vocabulary:


(a) Match the words under column 'A' with the right words under column Join them with lines. One is done for you.


A                      B

empty              ledge

cardboard         drawer

open                shoe

window             box


A                      B

empty              shoe

cardboard         box

open                drawer

window             ledge


(b) After joining the items, draw pictures of at least two of them.


i. in the cupboard

ii. in a cardboard box

iii. in an open drawer





6. Usage:

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words choosing from brackets.

(With, in, to, for)

a. I live _____ my family.

b. My parents and my younger brother live _____me.

c. My father is a clerk. He works _______ his office.

d. My mother is a housewife. She cooks food ______us.

e. My sister goes ______school every day.


a. I live with my family.

b. My parents and my younger brother live with me.

c. My father is a clerk. He works in his office.

d. My mother is a housewife. She cooks food for us.

e. My sister goes to school every day.

(Remember the words in brackets above are used before naming words (nouns). We call these small words Prepositions.)


7. Writing Write answers to the following questions.

1. What is the poem about?

Ans. The poem is about cats.

2. Why do cats sleep at many places?

Ans. The cats sleep in many places as they sit anywhere and they don't care where they sleep.

3. Who is 'They' in the last line of the poem?

Ans. 'They' in the last line of the poem refers to cats.

(b) Read the poem 'Cats' carefully and write a poem of six lines on 'Dogs'.

Use the clues/helps given. One is done for you.


Dogs sleep anywhere


Under the table (table)


On the chair     (chair)


Under the tree   (tree)


On the roof      (roof)


On my bed      (bed)


 in the shade    (shade)


Bunny Rabbit

1)   What is the poem about?

Ans. The poem is about a bunny rabbit.

2)   How is the tail?

Ans. The tail is up and a white curly mop.

3)   Who is “I” in the poem?

Ans. The poet is “I” in the poem.

4)   Does the poet love the rabbit? How do you know this?

Ans. Yes, the poet loves the rabbit. We know this as he has brought an orange carrot specially for bunny rabbits.

5)   What food does the poet have for the rabbit?

Ans. The poet has an orange carrot specially for the rabbit.


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