Lesson 2 - The Foolish Son-In-Law Questions and Answers

Language : English

Class 6 English Part II Lesson 2 - The Foolish Son-In-Law Questions and Answers

Class 6 English Chapter - The Foolish Son-In-Law Questions and Answers

SGP – 1

Read paragraph -1 silently and answer the questions that follow

  1. A son-in-law, after his marriage, was planning to visit his father-in-law’s house for the first time. A man from his village gave him the advice, “Use big and high-sounding words in your father-in-law’s house. Always sit on a high place. First, say ‘No’ to any food given to you.”

Comprehension Questions : 

Q1. Who are there in this part of the story?
In this part of the story, there is the son-in-law and a man from his village.

Q2. What was the son-in-law’s plan?
After his marriage, the son-in-law was planning to visit his father-in-law's house for the first time. 

Q3. Who advised him about some dos and don’ts at his in-law’s house?
A man from his village advised him about some dos and don’ts at his in-law’s house.

Q4. Make a list of all the advice.
The first piece of advice was to use big and high-sounding words in the father-in-law’s house. The second piece of advice was always to sit on a high place. The third piece of advice was first to say ‘No’ to any food given.

Session – 2
SGP – 2

  • Read paragraphs 2-3 silently and answer the questions that follow.
    2. He, therefore, used very long and high-sounding words. He told his mother-in-law, “You are the sweetest, kindest, greatest, and gentlest lady.” The mother-in-law was very much pleased to hear this. She praised her son-in-law in front of her neighbours for using high-sounding words and calling her the kindest and greatest lady.
    3. Following strictly the second advice, the son-in-law did not sit on a chair. He preferred to sit over paddy sacks piled high. Similarly, when any food was given to him, he said, “No”. One night his mother-in-law prepared delicious rice pudding (Khiri) for him. When he was served this, he said, “No”. Therefore, he was not given rice pudding. But two or three drops of rice pudding fell on his plate. When he tasted it, he wanted to have more of it. Thinking it would be impolite, he did not ask for it. But he wanted somehow to eat the rice pudding. He carefully watched his mother-in-law. She put the rice pudding in a pot and placed it on Sikka (a high place).

Comprehension Questions :

Q1. What type of words did he use in speaking?
He used very long and high-sounding words in speaking.

Q2. What did he tell his mother-in-law?
He told his mother-in-law, “You are the sweetest, kindest, greatest, and gentlest lady.”

Q3. Was she happy?
Yes, she was very much pleased to hear this.

Q4. What did she do?
She praised her son-in-law in front of her neighbours for using high-sounding words and calling her the kindest and greatest lady.

Q5. Where did the son-in-law sit? Does the sight make others laugh?
The son-in-law sat over paddy sacks piled high. Yes, the sight made others laugh.

Q6. What did he say when the rice pudding was served?
When the rice pudding (Khiri) was served to him, he said, ‘No’.

Q7. Did he want to eat the pudding?
Yes, he wanted to eat the rice pudding (Khiri).

Q8. Where was the pudding pot kept?
The pudding pot was kept on sikka (a high place).

Q9. Could he eat it?
No, he could not eat it.

Session – 3                                                                                                                               

SGP – 3

  • Read paragraphs 4-5 silently and answer the questions that follow.
    4. In the dead of the night, he tried to get the pudding from the pot. But unfortunately, it fell on his head. His whole body was smeared with rice pudding-like gum. “What to do now ?” he thought to himself. He saw freshly plucked cotton spread on a mat to dry. He slept on it and turned two to three times left and right. Then he looked like a lamb. “What to do now ?” he thought to himself. So he went to the cow shed where some lambs lived. He stayed there throughout the night like a lamb.
    5. In the morning the in-laws searched for their son-in-law and found him in the cow shed. Everyone, except the mother-in-law, thought him to be foolish. But the mother-in-law pleaded, “My son-in-law is as simple and as innocent as a lamb”. This made the father-in-law very angry. He was also very angry for other reasons. His wife took too much care of her foolish son-in-law. She gave him good food but neglected her husband. The son-in-law, living in comfort, was not willing to go home.

Comprehension Questions :

Q1. What happened when the son-in-law tried to get the pot of pudding?
When the son-in-law tried to get the pot of pudding, unfortunately, it fell on his head. His whole body was smeared with rice pudding-like gum.

Q2. What did he look like when he turned on cotton?
When he turned on cotton, he looked like a lamb.

Q3. What are the two funny sights? Do they make you laugh?
The two funny sights are that the son-in-law looked like a lamb and he stayed in the cow shed throughout the night with some lambs. 

Q4. Where did the in-laws find him in the morning?
In the morning, the in-laws found their son-in-law in the cow-shed.

Q5. Who thought him to be foolish?
Everyone, except his mother-in-law, thought him to be foolish.

Q6. Why was the father-in-law angry? Will the son-in-law stay here always?
The father-in-law was angry for two reasons. Firstly, the mother-in-law thought that the son-in-law was as simple and as innocent as a lamb. The other reason was that she took too much care of her foolish son-in-law and gave him good food but neglected her husband. Living in comfort, the son-in-law was not willing to return home. So he would always wish to stay there.

• Read paragraph – 6 silently and answer the questions that follow.
6. The father-in-law, therefore, planned how to drive him out. They had a lemon plant full of green lemons. One day he said to his son-in-law “Kind son, you have seen our lemon tree. The lemons are stolen by thieves at night. I’ll be happy if you can watch the plant tonight and catch the thief.” He also gave his son-in-law a club. In the darkness of night, the son-in-law was waiting for the thieves to come. The father-in-law wished to take water rice and asked his wife to bring a fresh lemon from the lemon plant. When the mother-in-law was plucking a lemon, the son-in-law thrashed her with the club thinking her to be a thief. Coming to know that he had beaten his mother-in-law, he felt so ashamed that he left for his home that night. The father-in-law heaved a great sigh of relief.

Comprehension Questions :

Q1. Why wasn't the son-in-law willing to go home?
His mother-in-law gave him good food and took much care of him that is why the son-in-law was not willing to go home.

Q2. Who went to bring lemon from the garden?
The mother-in-law went to bring lemon from the garden.

Q3. Why did he beat his mother-in-law?
The son-in-law was watching the lemon plant at night. He was waiting to catch the thief that night. When the mother-in-law was plucking a lemon in the darkness of night, the son-in-law thrashed her with the club thinking her to be a thief. 

Q4. What made him leave for his home?
When he came to know that he had beaten his mother-in-law in the darkness of night, he felt so ashamed that he left for his home that night.

Q5. Is there anything funny in this part ?
The son-in-law thrashed his mother-in-law with the club thinking her to be a thief in that dark night. Really, it was a funny thing in this part.

Q6. Was his father-in-law happy ? Which expression (words) in the text tells you so ?
Yes, his father-in-law was happy in the end. In the text, the expression, “The father-in-law heaved a great sigh of relief” tells us so.

Session – 4
III. Post-Reading

1. Visual Memory Development Technique (VMDT) :
Whole Text : Son-in-law sat on the sack of paddy – said ‘No’ to the mother-in-law.
Part : served first – tried to get the pudding – looked like a lamb – thrashed the mother-in-law.
2. Comprehension Activities :
(a) Choose the right answer from the options.
Q1. The son-in-law was not advised to ____________.
(a) use big and high-sounding words.
(b) sit in a high place.
(c) watch the garden.
(d) say ‘no’ to any food given to him first.
Ans: (c) watch the garden.

Q2.The son-in-law thought it would be ____________ to ask for pudding.
(a) impossible
(b) important
(c) impolite
(d) impatient
Ans: (c) impolite

Q3. Everyone, except ____________, thought him to be foolish.
(a) the father-in-law
(b) the mother-in-law
(c) the brother-in-law
(d) the sister-in-law ,
Ans: (b) the mother-in-law

Q4. The father-in-law planned to drive out the son-in-law because ____________.
(a) he sat in a high place.
(b) he beat his wife.
(c) he ate all the rice pudding.
(d) his wife took much care of her son-in-law, neglecting him.
Ans: (d) his wife took much care of her son-in-law, neglecting him.

(b) Match the part number under ‘A’ with their content in ‘B’.

A                                                         B

Part-I                                        - leaves the in-law’s house

Part-2                                       - suffers for foolishness

Part-3                                       - Son-in-law plans his visit

Part-4                                       - follows the advice


A                                                         B

Part-I                                        - Son-in-law plans his visit  

Part-2                                       - follows the advice 

Part-3                                       - suffers for foolishness

Part-4                                       - leaves the in-law’s house

Session – 5     

3 Listening:                                                                                                                      

Listen to your teacher and fill in the gaps.
“Kind son, you have seen our lemon tree. The Lemons are stolen by thieves at night. I’ll be happy if you can watch the plant tonight and catch the thief.“ He also gave his son-in-law a club. In the darkness of night the son-in-law was waiting for the thieves to come.

4. Speaking :
Chain-drill: A fool gets the truth too late.
We laugh at the fool or at his foolishness.
Dialogue Mother-in-law: Son, would you like to have some pudding? I‘ve prepared it for you.
Son-in-law: No, thanks.

Session – 6
5. Vocabulary :
(a) Some words in English are made by joining ‘in-law’ after them. For example.
Make 5 more words in this way.

(i) Mother-in-law
(ii) Brother-in-law
(iii) Sister-in-law
(iv) Uncle-in-law
(v) Aunt-in-law

(b) Read the following part of your lesson.
His whole body was smeared with rice pudding-like gum. He slept on it (freshly plucked cotton) and turned two three times left and right. Then he looked like a lamb.
The underlined sentence tells that the son-in-law looked like a lamb but he was not a lamb. We use 'look like’ to say something or someone looks like something or someone else different.

Rewrite the sentences using ‘look like’.
(i) At sunset or morning the sun (looks like) a big ball.
Ans: At sunset or morning, the sun looks like a big ball.

(ii) The girl (looks like) a princess in her fancy dress.
Ans: The girl looks like a princess in her fancy dress.

(iii) Clouds in the sky sometimes (look like) elephants.
Ans: Clouds in the sky sometimes look like elephants.

(iv) The clear blue sky (looks like) an umbrella.
Ans: The clear blue sky looks like an umbrella.

(v) Her face (looks like) a moon.
Ans: Her face looks like a moon.

Session – 7
6. Usage:
(a) ‘Son-in-law’ is a long word. The headword is the son. When we change son-in-law into plural, it becomes ‘sons-in-law’.
Change the following words into plural.

Singular (one)                                     Plural (many)

Son-in-law                                           Sons-in-law     

Daughter-in-law                                   Daughtes-in-law

Father-in-law                                       Fathers-in-law

Mother-in-law                                      Mothers-in-law

Brother-in-law                                      Brothers-in-law

Sister-in-law                                         Sisters-in-law

(b)Match the word in A with a word in B. Words in B are opposite in meaning. Write the serial numbers of words in the boxes. One is done for you.

            A                                 B

  1. High                             Low
  2. Pleased                        Displeased
  3. Polite                           Impolite
  4. Careful                        Careless
  5. Fortunate                     Unfortunate
  6. Fresh                            Rotten
  7. Dry                              Wet
  8. Foolish                         Clever
  9. Innocent                       Guilty
  10. Comfort                       Discomfort
  11. Willing                         Unwilling
  12. Kind                            Cruel

Session – 8                                                                                                                                 

7. Writing :

(i) Write answers to the following questions.
(i) What is the story about?
The story is about a foolish son-in-law.

(ii) Who advised him what to do and what not to do?
A man from his village gave him advice about what to do and what not to do.
(iii) Why did he want to have pudding? (p-3)
When he tasted two or three drops of rice pudding (Khiri) falling on his plate, he wanted to have more pudding.

(iv) Where was the pudding kept ? (p-3)
The mother-in-law kept the rice pudding (Khiri) in a pot and placed it on Sikka (a high place). 

(v) What happened when he tried to get the pudding? (p-4)
When he tried to get the pudding from the pot, unfortunately, it fell on his head. His whole body was smeared with rice pudding-like gum.

(vi) Why was the father-in-law angry? (p-5)
The father-in-law was very angry because his wife foolishly thought that her son-in-law was as simple and as innocent as a lamb. Again, his wife took too much care of her foolish son-in-law. She gave him good food but neglected her husband.

(vii) Who planned a trick to drive him out ? (p-6)
The father-in-law planned a trick to drive the son-in-law out of their house.

(viii) Why did he leave the in-law’s house?
When the son-in-law came to know that he had beaten his mother-in-law in the darkness of night, he felt so ashamed that he left for his home.

Session – 9
(ii) Stated below what the father-in-law said to his friend after his son-in-law had left. Read what he said and fill in the gaps consulting the story.


“Do you know how I drove away the son-in-law? He was foolish. But my wife thought him to be innocent. She gave him good food every day. And she neglected me. So, I thought of a trick. I asked my son-in-law to watch the lemon tree. I gave him a club to beat the thief. It was night. I asked my wife to bring a lemon . When she plucked a lemon the son-in-law beat her. He felt ashamed coming to know that he had beaten his mother-in-law. Out of shame he left my home. I breathed happily.”

8. Mental Talk :
“A fool gets the truth too late.”
9.Let us Think :
Do we laugh at the fool or his foolishness?

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