Language : English
The ship of the Desert
Reading is Fun (pg-104)
1. Why is the camel called the ship of the Desert?
Ans - The camel is called the ship of the Desert as it can walk across the desert even on a hot afternoon, even when the sand burns it doesn’t have effect on its feet.
2. For how many weeks can a camel store food in its hump?
Ans - It can store food for 2 weeks in its hump.
3. What does the camel eat in the desert?
Ans - It eats thorns in the desert.
4. Choose the right answer.
i. Name the ship of the Desert
a. lion
b. crab
c. camel
d. Tiger
ii. Name the king of the forest
a. lion
b. owl
c. monkey
d. crocodile
iii. The feet of the camel are -
a. thick and padded
b. long and fat
c. thick & fat
d. thin and padded
iv. There are no rivers or lakes in
a. plains
b. mountains
c. plateaus
d. deserts
v. At a time a camel can drink
a. 200 bottles of water
b. 400 bottles of water
c. 100 bottles of water
d. 300 bottles of water
vi. A camel stores its food in its
a. stomach
b. hump
c. legs
d. lips
Word Building (pg-105)
Make as many words as you can from within the given words. The first one is done for you.
Roaring in ran Roar
1. Frowning - Go, wing, if, in, wrong, frog, Gown Ring, Now, Win, won, Row, Grow.
2. Blinking - Blink, Ink, King, Link, Liking, Lining, Big, Bin, Biking
3. Wonderingly- Wonder, Ring, New, Deny, Lend, Lord, ignore, wrong.
Match the pictures with the words given below
tusk beak mane whiskers
Hoof feet fin paw
1 mane 2 paw 3 hoof 4 beak
5 feet 6 whiskers 7 Fin 8 Tusk
Let’s Write (pg-106)
Look at the goats in the pictures and write about them.
1. Two goats faced each other while coming from opposite directions. They were on a bridge above the river. Both of them asked each other to move back but no one was ready to do so.
2. They both stopped arguing and started fighting with their horns .
3. Finally they fell into the river.
Talk Time (pg-107)
Read these words aloud, paying attention to their spellings.
1. i-eye
2. week-weak
3. in- inn
4. no-know
5. not-knot
6. of-off
7. bye-by
8. our-hour
9. Need- knead
10. See-sea
11. Here -Hear
12. Eight-ate
Now make sentences
1. I -eye
I- 1. I like to eat nuts.
2. I like to read story books.
3. I like to cook food for my family.
Eye- 1. I have two eyes.
2. We should take care of our eyes.
3. Tears came out of her eyes while crying.
2. Week - Weak
Week - 1. There are 7 days in a week.
2. We went to a picnic on Friday last week.
3. I will visit the temple next week.
Weak - 1. She became weak due to illness.
2. Excessive consumption of fast food made her weak.
3. Long hours of work made her / him physically weak.
3. In-Inn
In- 1. There is a rat in the house.
2. I like to spend time in parks/temples.
3. There are many fruits in the basket.
Inn - 1. I shall lodge at the inn for one night.
2. I stayed at an inn as it was a holiday.
3. The tourists preferred to stay at an inn.
4. No -Know
No - 1. I have no choice but have to eat what they serve me at the hostel.
2. I have no answers to some questions.
3. There are no stairs at her house.
4. I can never say no to sweets and snacks.
5. Not -knot
Not - 1. Children should not eat more chocolates / junk food / fast food.
2. We should not violate traffic rules.
3. I’m not interested to do western dance.
Knot - 1. Tie the knot as tight as you can.
2. Tie the two ropes together with a secure knot.
6. Of- off
Of - 1. He ate a bowl of sprouts.
2. I drink a glass of milk everyday.
3. He is afraid of dogs.
4. I threw out the old shoes of house.
Off - 1. Her knee got hurt when she fell off her bicycle.
2. We should switch off the lights when not in use.
3. Take your belongings when you get off the class.
4. Give me a call when you get off the taxi.
7. Bye - by
Bye - 1. She left after saying goodbye.
2. It is hard to say goodbye to the place you have lived.
By- 1. We send postcards by post.
2. We pay for materials by cash.
3. I saw two players standing side by side on the ground.
4. I went to the village by train.
5. I go to work by car.
8. Our- Hour-
Our - 1. This is our house / school.
2. The students of our class are very smart.
3. Our school is located near a temple.
4. There are many dogs in our neighbourhood.
Hour - 1. I took half an hour to complete my lunch.
2. We should sleep eight hours a day.
3. The darkest hour is before the dawn.
4. She exercises for an hour everyday.
9. Need -Knead
Need - 1. There is a great need for water everyday.
2. The plants need to be watered everyday during the summer season.
3. Children need to study at least for 3 to 4 hours on a daily basis.
4. We need to eat good food to keep ourselves healthy.
Knead - 1. I knead the dough by hand to make flat bread.
2. Knead the mixture well by adding some water to it.
10. See -Sea
See - 1. I see guavas/ mangoes on the tree.
2. We shall see the full moon tonight.
3. He eagerly waits to see moon light every night.
4. We cannot see the sun with our naked eyes.
Sea - 1. The sea was calm after the storm.
2. The sea water tastes salty.
3. They spend weeks at sea.
11. Here - Hear
Here - 1. Please come here and sit down.
2. Here is your pencil/book/sharpener/pen.
3. Here comes the train/ bus.
4. I arrived here yesterday.
5. I lived here for a long time.
6. I have been here before.
Hear - 1. Everyone wanted to hear the truth.
2. It is always nice to hear Hindi spoken by Indians.
3. I am glad to hear that your team won the hockey tournament.
4. I could not hear the music as everyone was shouting.
12. Eight /ate
Eight - 1. We should sleep eight hours a day.
2. I will be back home by eight o’clock.
3. The cake was cut into eight pieces.
4. Our school begins at eight in the morning.
5. Add three to eight to get eleven.
6. We used to play many outdoor games at the age of eight.
Ate - 1. She ate lunch within ten minutes.
2. He ate the entire cake as it tasted delicious.
3. We ate some fruits after lunch yesterday.
4. I ate a banana / an apple / a cake/ a chocolate / an ice cream etc.
13. Two / too-
Two - 1. I have two children.
2. She caught two mice in the kitchen.
3. Ram is two years older than me.
4. I have two years of work experience.
Too - 1. Sita talks too much.
2. We should avoid eating too much-iodized salt.
3. Working too much made me tired.
4. The frock was too long for Durga.
5. I like to eat too many chocolates.