Language : English


My Silly Sister

Reading is Fun (pg-83)

1. What does the baby do with the pebbles?

Ans- The baby thinks the pebbles are real food and tries to put them in her mouth.

2. What does the baby do with the book?

Ans- She tears the pages of the book with her hands and roars with joy at nothing when her brother opens the book before her to teach a, b, c.

3. When does the baby laugh?

Ans- She laughs when her elder brother shakes his head at her in anger, scolds her, and calls her naughty.

4. Why does the washerman bring donkeys?

Ans-The washerman brings donkeys to carry away the dirty clothes.

Talk time (pg-83)

1. What is the funniest thing the baby does?

The funniest thing the baby does is it wants to catch the moon.

2. Do you think the baby sister is really Silly? Why?

Ans- Yes, I think the baby sister is really very silly as :

i. She puts pebbles in her mouth thinking they are real food.

ii. When her brother opens the book before her to teach a,b,c she tears the pages of the book with her hands and roars with joy at nothing.

iii. She laughs when her elder brother shakes his head at her in anger, scolds her, and calls her naughty.

Word Building (pg-84)

(1) Fill in the blanks to spell words from the story.

1. Silly

2. pebbles

3. streets

4. scold

5. lessons

6. Naughty 

7. Excitement 

8. Donkey 

(2) Write similar words from the story :

1. Foolish - Silly

2. Stones - Pebbles

3. Mischievous - Naughty

4. Fetch - Bring

3. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Children  they   bell 

The children are playing in the field. They are happy.

They are playing ‘Catch-me-if-you-can’.

The bell has rung. It is time for lessons.

(4) Fill in the blanks  (pg-85)

i. One child, many children. 

ii. One fox, many foxes.

iii. One duck, many ducks.

iv. One goose, many geese.

(5) Add ‘ful’ to make a word.

a. The children are playful. (play)

b. The flowers are beautiful. (beauty)

c. The books are useful. (use)

d. The vegetables are plentiful. (plenty)

(6) Add ‘ly’ to make a word.

a. The new shoes are lovely. (love)

b. He is really smart. (real)

c. We should eat slowly. (slow)

d. Let us sing softly. (soft)

(7) Add ‘ish’ to make a new word.

a. That girl is always crying. She is childish. (child)

b. I slipped on a banana peel. I feel foolish. (fool)

c. My sister is babyish. (baby)

Let’s write (pg-86)

Write five sentences on how you help at home.

1. I help my mother in cleaning utensils, cutting vegetables, making the room tidy, cooking food etc.

2. I help father in cleaning his vehicles, in arranging his books.

3. I also help my brother in keeping his room tidy, arranging his books.

4. I also help my sister comb her hair, helping her in her studies etc.

5. I do try to help everyone with small things in the house.

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