• CLASS 8
  • Suppose you have been waiting for a piece of good news. Wrote a paragraph in about eighty words on your experience of waiting WBBSE CLASS 8th || Paragraph Writing

Suppose you have been waiting for a piece of good news. Wrote a paragraph in about eighty words on your experience of waiting WBBSE CLASS 8th || Paragraph Writing

Language : English

The Note contains a ‘Paragraph’ from WBBSE Class 8Suppose you have been waiting for a piece of good news. Wrote a paragraph in about eighty words on your experience of waiting.” Read the Paragraph carefully to enhance your knowledge.

Suppose you have been waiting for a piece of good news. Wrote a paragraph in about eighty words on your experience of waiting:

the news you waited for– what you did while waiting– whether the news had come– your feelings. 

Good News

The news I was waiting for was the news of getting a scholarship. Few days back I took part in a science talent exhibition held in our school. I made a presentation and took part in the question answer round. I answered all the questions and hoped to score well and get the scholarship.I was very satisfied with my performance and was very excited for the result. Everyday I go to school expecting to get the news of my result of the exhibition and the scholarship. Last monday our principal informed me that I have got the scholarship in the science talent. Everyone was clapping for my success and all the teachers and all the students congratulated me. My joy knows no bounds for my achievement.

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