WBBSE CLASS 7th Annie Besant || Biography Writing

Language : English

The Note contains a ‘Biography’ from WBBSE Class 7Write a Biography on Annie Besant. Read the Biography carefully to enhance your knowledge. 

WBBSE CLASS 7th Annie Besant || Biography on Annie Besant

Biography Writing

Write a Biography on Annie Besant

Who was Annie Besant? 


Annie Besant

{Annie Besant was a prominent British Socialist, theosophist, women’s rights activist, writer and orator, and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule.}

Annie Besant was English by birth, but Indian by choice. She was a great freedom fighter. Annie Besant was born on 1st October 1847 in London. Her father’s name was William Wood and her mother’s name was Emily Morris. She was a famous writer and a well-known socialist. She got married at 19 to Frank Besant but soon got separated from her husband over religious differences. She became the leading speaker for the Fabian Society as well as the Marxist Social Democratic Federation (SDF). She was an activist for the rights of women. Later she took part in Indian politics. She joined the Indian National Congress to liberate Mother India from the clutches of the British. In 1917 she became the first woman president of the  Indian National Congress. The great lady passed away on 20th September 1933 in Madras, India. The country will remember her contribution to the freedom movement forever.

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