A Sly Fox and A Foolish Crow WBBSE CLASS 6th || Story Writing

Language : English

The Note contains a ‘Story’ from WBBSE Class 6A Sly Fox and A Foolish Crow. Read the Story carefully to enhance your knowledge.

Try to write a story that you may have heard before using the following points.(in about seventy words) :

A crow-- finds meat--flies to a tree--a clever fox---sees---says to crow--sings--meat falls--fox takes---crow sad--flies away.

Begin like this :

A crow was flying for a long time. He became very hungry........

A Sly Fox and A Foolish Crow

A crow was flying for a long time. He became very hungry and was looking for something to eat. At last, it came across a meat shop and was tempted. Somehow it managed to steal a piece of meat from there. The crow then flew away to a nearby jungle and sat on a tree to eat the meat. It was about to eat the piece. At that moment a fox was passing under the tree. He noticed the crow with the piece of meat and was enticed to get it. The fox thought for a while. Soon an idea stuck with him. Then he said to the crow, “Oh! My dear crow, how beautiful you are! Your feathers are really shiny. Surely your voice must also be very sweet. Please sing a song for me.” Hearing this, the crow felt very proud and opened its mouth to sing. But the piece of meat fell down from its beak. At once the clever fox picked it up and ran away from there. The crow understood that it was befooled by the fox.

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