Frogs and the Boys WBBSE CLASS 7th || Story Writing

Language : English

The Note contains a ‘Story’ from WBBSE Class 7Frogs and the Boys. Read the Story carefully to enhance your knowledge.

Write a story with the help of the following points : 

Frogs lived in a pond - boys hit stones and hurt the frogs - a frog asked, “Why are you throwing stones ?”- boys replied,”We are playing”- frogs said,”It is death to us” - boys felt sorry - stopped sport

Frogs and the Boys

Once there lived a family of frogs in a pond happily. One day a group of boys was playing at the edge of the pond. Suddenly a boy saw the frogs in the pond. He told others to hit the frogs with stones as a part of the game. They started throwing stones at the frogs at once. At this, some frogs were severely injured. They were trembling with fear. At last, an old frog put his head out of the water and said to the boys, “why are you throwing stones at us ?” The boys replied that it was part of the game and they were enjoying it a lot by doing this. The old frog said that though it was fun for the boys, it was death to them. The boy understood their pain and stopped their ruthless game.

Moral: One man’s pleasure may cause sorrow to others.

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