The Merchant and the Robber WBBSE CLASS 7th || Story Writing

Language : English

The Note contains a ‘Story’ from WBBSE Class 7The Merchant and the Robber. Read the Story carefully to enhance your knowledge. 

You have just finished reading a beautiful story. Write a story in about seventy words with the help of the points given below. Give a title to your story: 

merchant - going home through forest - has bag full of money. rain falls- gets wet - curses the rain - a robber comes- points gun at the merchant- shoots -unhurt- wet gunpowder - merchant thanks God for rain.

The Merchant and the Robber

Once there lived a rich merchant. One day he was returning home through a deep forest. He had a bag full of money with him. Suddenly rain started. He got wet in the rain. His money also got wet and he cursed the rain for getting his money wet. He took shelter under a tree. After the rain, he started walking again. Suddenly a robber appeared before him. He pointed his gun towards the merchant to shoot him. But the gun did not work as the gun powder become wet in the rain. The merchant was unhurt and started running and in a moment he was out of sight of the robber. Thus he saved himself and thanked God for the rain.

Moral: Whatever happens, happens alright.

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