Language : Bengali




Tick the correct alternative:

i. When the warm sun has returned again it is nice to-

a. sing out loud

b. visit the still wood

c. sail down the river

ii. The saplings draws its sustenance from-

a. The blue sky

b. rain water

c. earth’s loosened mound

iii. The birds-

a. glance quick in the bright sun

b. sit on the branches of the trees

c. peck at the grains from the ground

iv. The green slope throws its shadow upon-

a. the mountain

b. the hollows of the hill

c. the sand dunes


Complete the following sentences with the information from the text:

a. Spring is the season of - flowers, seed time and harvest.

b. The coming-on of storms is foretold by - nor dark and many folded clouds.

c. The bird moves along- the forest openings.

d. The bright sunset fills - the silver woods with light.


Answer the following question:

Q. Why do you think the poet “loves the season well?”

Ans- The poet loves the season well because the forest glades are teeming with bright sun rays and the folded clouds are not foretelling of storms.


Fill in the chart with the information from the text:

Who- i) The first flower

Did what- i) bloomed in the forest

Who- ii) The forest glades

Did what- ii) teemed with bright sunlight

Who- iii) The sapling

Did what - iii) drew its sustenance from the earth’s loosened mound.

Who- iv) The drooping tree.

Did what- iv) revived though stricken to the heart with winter’s cold.


Answer the following questions:

a. Why is it sweet to visit the wood during springtime ?

Ans- It is sweet to visit the wood during spring time because the spring brings warm sun with it. The nature decor itself with its colour and there bloom the first flower of the plain.

b. What does winter cold do to the tree ?

Ans- The cold tremendously affects the tree to their heart that it droops down in winter.

c. What time of the day do you think it is written “ the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hill ?”

Ans-The time when the sun sets down it fills the wood with its light and the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hill.

d. Why do you think the poem is titled “An April Day?” Suggest an alternative title.

Ans- Here in this poem the poet has described many beautiful aspects of spring and the spring season comes in the month of April. So the poet titled the poem as “An April Day”.

An alternative title of the poem might be “A spring Day”


Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms from those given in brackets:

i. He ______ here for the last two years.    ( worked, is working, has been working.)

Ans- has been working.

ii. The baby ____ all morning. ( cries, has been crying, had cried)

Ans- has been crying.

iii. It _____ for a long time before we went to school. ( had been raining, rained, rains. )

Ans- had been raining

iv. The passengers of the train_____ fast when the accident occurred. ( slept, had been sleeping, sleep )

Ans- had been sleeping.


Fill in the blanks with either the future continuous tense or Future Perfect tense of the verbs given in brackets.

i. I suppose it _____ when we start. (rain)

Ans- will be raining.

ii. He _____ up next week. (meet)

Ans- will be meeting.

iii. She _____ Jamshedpur by then ( reach)

Ans- will have reached

iv. The book is not fat, I _____ it by lunch time (read)

Ans- shall have read.


Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

a. harvest : Heavy rain spoils all the harvested crops.

b. teeming: The valley is teeming with white lilies.

c. thrives: Nature thrives with all its beauty in spring.

d. Glance: The detective took a glance at the suspect and solved the case.


Write a paragraph in about eighty words on the changes that you see in nature when spring comes after winter.


Spring Days

Spring is the most pleasant season of the year. It comes right after the winter season. In this season a lot of climatic changes take place. After winter the sky becomes the canvas of nature and nature blossoms with all its colours as if it takes rebirth after winter. In this season migrant birds return to their home and a lot of animals wake up from their hibernation and have a breeding period. In spring days outdoor plans and spending time in nature fills the mind with joy.


You have a separate routine of work in the morning and in the evening. Write a page in your diary on that part of the day which you prefer more.

March 28, 2022


9.00 p.m.

A routine is performed as part of a regular procedure rather than a special reason. A routined life fixes our life on track. I also preferred a routined life, so I divided my day into good times according to work. I wake up early in the morning and perform yoga for 1 hour. Then I get fresh and eat my breakfast. Then I study for a few hours and after that get ready for school. After school, I go to the playground.

In the evening I have my evening snacks. Then I go to study and complete my homework. After completing my study I eat dinner and go to bed. In the evening time I get tired after my whole day's routine whereas I feel energetic and fresh in the morning which encourages me for good study and a good start. So I prefer the morning time more.

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