Language : English

The Note contains Textual Question Answers from WBBSE Class 7 English Lesson 5 Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture by Jerome Klapka Jerome. Read the Question Answers carefully. This Question Answer set from the WBBSE board provides quality Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) and Long Answer Type Questions from the above chapter and by reading these, students will get a clear idea about that chapter. It will enhance their knowledge and enable them to get good marks in the board exams.

Class 7 English Lesson 5 Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture by Jerome Klapka Jerome,

Short Answer Type Question (SAQ) from Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture,

Long Answer Type Question from Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, 

Class 7 English Textual Question Answers,

Lesson 5 Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture by Jerome Klapka Jerome

Activity 1

Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives : 

a. The thing which would have come home from the frame-makers is 

i. a picture✓

ii. a carving on wood

iii. a picture drawn on a piece of cloth

b. Uncle Podger would take off his

i. vest

ii. tie

iii. coat✓

c. Uncle Podger would ask

i. the boy

ii. the girl✓

iii. the charwoman, for sixpen’orth of nails

d. Uncle Podger, at first, would drop the

i. picture✓

ii. hammer

iii. nail

Activity 2

Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False. 

Give a supporting statement for each of your answers.

a. There was a commotion in the house when Uncle Podger undertook a job. (TRUE)

S.S.- “You never saw such a commotion up and down a house in all your life, as when Uncle Podger undertook to do a job.”

b. Uncle Podger did not want to hang the picture. (FALSE)

S.S.- “Oh, you leave that to me. Don’t you, any of you, worry yourselves about that. I’ll do all that.”

c. Uncle Podger would cut himself and spring round the room searching for his handkerchief. (TRUE)

S.S.- “He would try to save the glass and cut himself. Then he would spring round the room, searching for his handkerchief.”

d. The second thing that Uncle Podger would lose would be the hammer. (FALSE)

S.S.- “There! he would say in an injured tone, now the nail’s gone.”

Activity 3

Complete the following sentences with information from the text : 

a. Aunt Podger would ask what was to be done with it after the picture came to the house.

b. Tom was asked to bring the rule.

c. Uncle Podger found the coat himself as he would be sitting on it.

Activity 4

Answer the following questions: 

a. Name the children of Uncle Podger.

Ans: The names of the children of Uncle Podger are Tom and Will.

b. What did Uncle Podger ask the children to bring for him?

Ans: Uncle Podger asked Will to bring hand him his hammer and asked Tom to bring the rule.

c. How did Uncle Podger cut himself?

Ans: Uncle Podger would lift up the picture and drop it, and it would come out of the frame. He would try to save the glass and cut himself.

d. Why did Uncle Podger want his coat?

Ans: Uncle Podger wanted the handkerchief which was in the pocket of the coat. So, he wanted the coat.

e. Where did he find his coat?

Ans: Uncle Podger got up and found that he had been sitting upon the coat.

Activity 5

Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives: 

a. Uncle Podger would call us all 

i. intelligent

ii. careless

iii. fools✓

b. Uncle Podger would slide and fall

i. on the charwoman’s toes

ii. on the piano✓

iii. on the chair

c. Uncle Podger’s work would finish

i. at around midnight✓

ii. at mid-day

iii. in the evening

Activity 6

Complete the sentences with information from the text: 

a. Uncle Podger would lose sight of the mark he had made on the wall, where the nail was to go in.

b. Uncle Podger was trying to reach a point three inches beyond.

c. Uncle Podger liked doing a job of this sort.

Activity 7

Complete the following table with information from the text: 



a) Uncle Podger would have lost sight of the mark he had made on the wall. 

Each child had to get up beside him on the chair

b) Uncle Podger tried to reach a point three inches beyond what was possible for him to reachand the string would slip.

Uncle Podger would fall onto the piano

c) At the first blow of the hammer.

Uncle Podger would smash his thumb.

d) At the second blow, the nail would go clean through the plaster.

a new hole was made

Activity 8

Answer the following questions: 

a. Give two instances to show the carelessness of Uncle Podger.

Ans: i) He lost sight of the mark he had made on the wall.

 ii) He smashed his thumb with a blow of a hammer.

 iii) He tried to save the glass of the picture frame and cut his finger. (Extra)

b. What did Aunt Podger say after Uncle Podger smashed his thumb?

Ans: When Uncle Podger smashed his thumb, Aunt Polly mildly observed that and hoped that next time when Uncle Podger would hammer a nail into the wall, he would let her know before.

c. How did Uncle Podger react after finishing the task?

Ans: After finishing the task Uncle Podger felt proud for doing the task all by himself. He also wondered why some people would have had a man doing a little thing like that.

d. Why was everyone tired after Uncle Podger put up the picture on the wall?

Ans: Everyone was tired after Uncle Podger put up the picture on the wall because they all had to assist Uncle Podger and work hard with him till midnight. 

Activity 9

Match the following words in column A with their meanings in column B: 







closely observing




sneer - mock

evident - clear

wretched - poor

surveying - closely observing

Activity 10

Find the antonyms of the following words from the text: 

a. rapidly - slowly

b. lost - found

c. remembered - forgot

d. roughly - mildly

e. save - lose

f. straight - crooked

Activity 11

Use the prefixes or suffixes ( in -/im/-al/-some) to form new words: 

a. different: Indifferent

b. possible: Impossible

c. sufficient: Insufficient

d. arrive: Arrival

e. whole: wholesome

Activity 12

Try to find as many compound words you can from the lesson, and make sentences with them.

List of Compound Nouns from the text:

i) Step ladder: There is a step ladder in our storeroom.

ii) Frame maker: My uncle is a frame-maker.

iii) Dining room: My mother is waiting for me in the dining room.

iv) Kitchen chair: He brought a set a kitchen chairs.

Activity 13

Write 5 sentences about what you want to be in future.

I would like to be ______

I would like to be a teacher in future. It is a noble profession. Teachers are the most respected in the society. Teachers play an important role in shaping any nation. Students are the pillars of the nation and the teacher teaches them. I have the patience and I will teach my students with proper care.

Activity 14

We have already learnt Plural Nouns. Find some of these from the following sentences and then make other sentences with them: 

a. He wore his old trousers to school.

b. Mother wanted the scissors to cut the thread.

c. The press went public over the issue.

d. At the station, the goods were unloaded from the train.

e. His true colours came to the forefront at the meeting.

Activity 15

Now write a summary of the given passage: 

Then he would spring round the room, looking for his handkerchief. He could not find his handkerchief, because it was in the pocket of the coat he had taken off, and he did not know where he had put the coat. All the house had to leave off looking for his tools, and start looking for his coat; while he would dance round and hinder them.


He would spring around the room to find his handkerchief which was in the pocket of his coat and he also did not know where the coat was. All started looking for his coat leaving all other works. 

Activity 16

Narrate a funny incident that you have experienced. You may use the following points: 

A brief account of the incident - when it happened - the funniest part of the incident- funny characters involved, if any.

(তোমাদের মনে রাখার সুবিধার্থে পয়েন্ট আকারে দেওয়া হল। তোমরা লেখার সময় পয়েন্ট তুলে পরপর লিখবে। )

A Funny Incident

1) In our life many incidents happen.

2) Some incidents give us joy and pleasure and some give us sorrow and grief.

3) There are also some incidents which are considered as funny. 

4) Such a funny incident happened in my life; I used to laugh when I remembered it.

5) It was a rainy day. It had constantly been raining since morning.

6) At night when I was lying in bed trying to sleep, I heard a sound something like the sound of a girl's anklets.

7) I realised the sound was coming from the window.

8) I thought it would be the sound of a ghost's anklet. 

9) In fear I ran out of my room shouting.

10) I saw my parents in the dining room and told them about the sound.

11) We went to the room and my father tried to investigate the matter.

12) After 5 minutes of hearing the sound, he instantly drew the window curtain.

13) We saw that there was nothing but an unknown insect that created a sound like an anklet.

14) We all laughed.

15) It was a funny incident in my life.

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