Lesson 6 How The Little Kite Learned to Fly by Katherine Pyle | Question Answer

Language : English

The Note contains Textual Question Answers from WBBSE Class 6 English Lesson 6 How The Little Kite Learned to Fly by Katherine Pyle. Read the Question Answers carefully. This Question Answer set from the WBBSE board provides quality Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Short Answer Type Question (SAQ) and Long Answer Type Question from the above chapter and by reading these, students will get a clear idea about that chapter. It will enhance their knowledge and enable them to get good marks in the board exams.

Class 6 English Lesson 6 How The Little Kite Learned to Fly by Katherine Pyle,

Short Answer Type Question (SAQ) from How The Little Kite Learned to Fly,

Long Answer Type Question from How The Little Kite Learned to Fly, 

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, 

Class 6 English Textual Question Answers,

How The Little Kite Learned to Fly in Bengali, The Rainbow Question Answers,

Lesson 6: How The Little Kite Learned to Fly

1. Tick (✔) the correct alternative :

a. The little kite thought it could not 

i. run 

ii. fly

iii. swim 

b. The big kite told the small kite to 

i. try

ii. know

iii. think

c. While flying the little kite was filled with

i. pity

ii. pride

iii. pain

d. The boys looked like small

i. dots

ii. patches

iii. spots

2. Complete the following sentences with information from the text :

a. The big kite rose towards the -tranquil sky

b. The little kite’s paper- stirred at the sight of big kite’s flight

c. The little kite smiled with the big kite-when they were flying side by side

d. The little kite and the big kite-both sailed one’s side by side

3. Answer the following question:

What made the little kite’s paper stir at the sight of the tranquil sky?

When the little kite looked up at the tranquil sky, its paper stirred seeing the big kite flying freely. This sight inspired him to act courageously and try to fly.

4. Fill in the following chart with information from the text :



a. He could not try at first to fly

The kite was afraid to fly

b. The little kite grew braver

He started to rise into the sky

c. He sailed beside the big kite

The little kite was thrilled with pride

d. The little kite saw the ground far below

The boys looked like small spots

5. Answer the following questions in complete sentences :

a. What did the big kite tell the little kite to do?

 The big kite told the little kite to try hard to learn flying.

b. How did the little kite prepare himself for flight ?

The frightened and trembling little kite shook himself to grow braver and then started to whirl and rise up in the air.

c. Whom did the kites get as companions high up in the quiet air ?

The kites got birds and clouds as their companions high in the quiet air .

d. “Oh, how happy I am”-Why did the little kite feel so ?

The little kite felt so because he was successful in flying high in the sky like other kites, though he was afraid to fly in the beginning.

6. (a). Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

i. The Nile flows through Egypt.

ii. Iron is a  useful metal.

iii. I waited at the station for an hour.

iv. She is a European.

6.(b). Tick (✔) the appropriate form of the given verbs in brackets :

i. No news (is / are ) good news.

ii. Each of the children ( has /have ) arrived.

iii. The mother and her child ( is /are ) going to the market.

iv. Esha as well as her sister (is / are) taking part in the school sports.

7.(a). Add a prefix or a suffix to the following words to form opposites :

learn : learn + er = learner

steadily : un + steadily = unsteadily

rest : rest + less = restless

cloud : cloud + less = cloudless

happy : un + happy = unhappy

7.(b). Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words :

tranquil : He leads a tranquil life in a village.

frightened : The man got frightened seeing the tiger.

sailed : Once ships sailed over the river. / He sailed around the world in a ship.

brave : Shivaji Maharaj was a brave king.

8.(a). Read the paragraph carefully and fill in the following chart with information from the passage :

Last summer, four of us went to Arun’s aunt’s place in the Sunderbans. They were my friends-Sumit and Arun and his younger brother, Barun. Sumit, Arun and I study in class X and Barun is two years younger to us. We began the journey on Monday. We travelled by bus and then by boat. We stayed there for three days. We visited the bird sanctuary. We returned on Thursday evening at 7.30pm.

a. number of people - Four

b. names of the people - Sumit,Arun, Barun and the narrator

c. destination : Arun’s aunt’s place in the Sunderbans

d. duration of the trip : Three days

e. vehicles used : Bus and boat

f. places visited : Bird sanctuary

8. (b). Now, write a dialogue between two sisters, where the elder sister is encouraging the younger one to read out a patriotic poem in her school on Independence Day.

Elder Sister: Good Morning Priya.

Younger Sister: Good Morning Didi.

Elder Sister: I have heard that you are going to recite a poem in your school on the event of Independence Day.

Younger Sister: Yes, Didi. 

Elder Sister: Great! Which poem are you going to recite?

Younger Sister: I have decided to recite the poem ‘Rupasi Bangla’ by Jibanananda Das.

Elder Sister: But Priya you should read out a patriotic poem in the event of Independence Day. 

Younger Sister: Then which poem should I have to recite?

Elder Sister: You should choose the poem ‘Bidrohi’, a poem by Kazi Nazrul Islam.

Younger Sister: Ok Didi. But will you train me how to recite the poem with proper pronunciation and pause?

Elder Sister: Sure. We’ll start tomorrow morning.

Younger Sister: Thank you.


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