- CLASS 11
- WBCHSE Board Class 11th LEELA’S FRIEND by R.K NARAYAN || SAQ || Line by line analysis || Textual Question Answers || Short Questions & Answers || Broad type Questions || Exam Oriented Questions & Answers || 2023 English Suggestive Notes

WBCHSE Board Class 11th LEELA’S FRIEND by R.K NARAYAN || SAQ || Line by line analysis || Textual Question Answers || Short Questions & Answers || Broad type Questions || Exam Oriented Questions & Answers || 2023 English Suggestive Notes
Language : English
WBCHSE Board Class 11th LEELA’S FRIEND by R.K NARAYAN || SAQ || Line by line analysis || Textual Question Answers || Short Questions & Answers || Broad type Questions || Exam Oriented Questions & Answers || 2023 English Suggestive Notes
Who is the author of the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’?
R.K. Narayan is the author of the short story ‘Leela’s Friend'.
Name the collection of short stories from which “Leela’s Friend” has been taken ?
“Leela’s Friend” has been taken from R.K. Narayan’s short story collection “The Malgudi Days”.
What was Sidda doing when Mr. Sivasanker was standing in the veranda of his house ?
When Mr. Sivasanker was standing in the veranda of his house, Sidda was hanging about the gate.
Where was Mr. Sivasanker standing when Sidda was hanging about the gate ?
When Sidda was hanging about the gate, Mr. Sivasanker was standing in the front veranda of his house.
What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over ?
Mr. Sivasanker was broadening over the servant problem.
What was the result of Mr. Sivasanker’s scrutiny ?
As a result of the scrutiny, Mr. Sivasanker thought that the fellow looked tidy.
Where did Sidda work before joining Mr. Sivasanker’s house as a servant ?
Before joining Mr. Sivasanker’s house as a servant, Sidda worked in a doctor’s bungalow.
What did Sidda reply when Mr. Sivasanker asked the doctor’s name?
When Mr. Sivasanker asked the doctor’s name, Sidda said that he did not know the name.
Why was Sidda sent away by his previous master ?
Sidda was sent away by his previous master because they left the town.
What was Mr. Sivasanker’s wife’s observation about Sidda ?
Mr. Sivasanker’s wife observed that Sidda did not seem to her worse than the other servants who worked in their house previously.
Who was Leela ?
Leela was the daughter of Mr. Sivasanker.
How did sidda touch the moon ?
Sidda touched the moon by standing on a coconut tree.
What was Leela’s reaction when she saw Sidda ?
When Leela saw Sidda first he gave a cry of joy.
“And that decided it.”- What was decided ?
The decision was to give employment to Sidda at Mr. Sivasanker’s house.
What were Sidda’s jobs in the house ?
In the house Sidda had the job of washing clothes, tending the garden, ran errands, chopping wood and looking after Leela.
What was Sidda given for his job?
Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month for his job.
“It gave her great joy.”- What gave her great joy ?
Sidda’s company gave Leela great joy.
“Leela keenly examined the ball.”- Why did Leela keenly examine the ball ?
Why was such an examination necessary ?
Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of moon.
Why should Leela be quick to observe the ball ?
Leela should be quick to observe the ball because the bit of moon stuck on it would evaporate and go back to the moon.
What was in the sky, according to Sidda ?
According to Sidda, God was in the sky.
How could one touch the sky?
According to Sidda, one could touch the sky by standing on a coconut tree.
What were Leela’s teaching materials ?
Leela’s teaching materials was a box that was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of Pencils.
Who played teacher to Sidda ?
Leela played teacher to sidda.
When did Leela play teacher to sidda ?
At dusk Leela played teacher to sidda.
How much education did Leela possess ?
Leela knew two or three letters of the alphabet.
Why did Leela pity Sidda?
Leela pitied Sidda as he was incapable of drawing the crow and the letter B.
What type of stories did sidda tell Leela ?
The type of stories that sidda told Leela were of animals in the jungle, of gods in heaven, of magicians who could conjure up golden castles and fill them with little princesses and their pets.
How did Sidda seek relief from Leela’s class?
Sidda sought relief from Leela’s class by saying that Leela’s mother was calling her to dinner.
What did Leela insist on ?
Leela insisted upon having Sidda's company all her waking hours.
Where did Leela go one evening ?
One evening Leela went to the market with sidda.
What did Leela’s mother notice when Leela came back home ?
When Leela came back home Leela’s mother noticed that the chain she was wearing was missing.
Why did Leela’s mother go back to the kitchen for a moment while talking to Sidda ?
Leela’s mother went back to the kitchen for a moment while talking to sidda because she left something in the oven.
What did Leela ask for while whining and following her mother ?
While whining and following her mother Leela asked for some sugar.
Why was it impossible for Leela’s mother to think of a story ?
It was impossible for Leela’s mother to think of a story because her mind was disturbed as she was thinking about sidda.
Why was she thankful to God ?
She was thankful to god because Sidda had not killed Leela for the chain.
Why did Mrs.Sivasanker feel panicky about Sidda ?
Mrs. Sivasanker felt panicky about Sidda because with his knowledge of the household he might come in at night and loot.
Which story did Leela ask her mother to tell ?
Leela asked her mother to tell the story of an elephant.
Why did Leela think that Sidda was angry with them?
Leela thought that Sidda was angry with them because her mother always abused him and he was not allowed to sleep inside their house.
Why did Leela express her dislike towards her mother ?
Leela expressed her dislike towards her mother because she thought that her mother abused Sidda always.
How was the inspector able to identify Sidda in a moment ?
Mr. Sivasanker gave the description of Sidda to the inspector and from it, the inspector was able to identify Sidda in a moment.
What kind of assurance did the police give to Mr. Sivasanker ?
The police assured Mr. Sivasanker that they knew Sidda's haunts and they would pick him up very soon.
Why was the inspector furious with Mr. Sivasanker ?
The inspector was furious with Mr. Sivasanker because he didn’t consult with him before employing Sidda.
What was the query faced by Mr. Sivasanker from his wife everyday when he came home ?
Everyday when Mr. Sivasanker came home her wife asked him if he got any news about the jewel.
How many days later did the police find Sidda ?
Four days later the police found Sidda.
Why was Leela’s defence of Sidda ignored ?
Leela’s defence of Sidda was ignored because she was not at all a reliable prosecution.
Why did Leela run behind the police?
Leela ran behind the police to request them to leave Sidda there.
How did Sidda look at Leela before being taken away by the police ?
Sidda looked at Leela mutely like an animal before being taken away by the police ?
Where was Leela’s chain ultimately found ?
Leela’s chain was ultimately found in a tamarind pot.
What did Leela’s father decide to inform the inspector the next day ?
Leela’s father decided to inform the inspector that they found the gold chain and he could release Sidda.
How did Leela's father try to console themselves over that mishap ?
Leela’s father tried to console themselves over that mishap by ordering that the child must not have any chain thereafter.
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