- Lesson 6 : The Clever Monkey

Language : English
The Note contains Textual Question Answers from WBBSE Class 5 English Lesson 6 The Clever Monkey. Read the Question Answers carefully. This Question Answer set from the WBBSE board provides quality Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Short Answer Type Question (SAQ) and Long Answer Type Question from the above chapter and by reading these, students will get a clear idea about that chapter. It will enhance their knowledge and enable them to get good marks in the board exams.
Class 5 English Lesson 6 The Clever Monkey,
Short Answer Type Question (SAQ) from The Clever Monkey,
Long Answer Type Question from The Clever Monkey,
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education,
Class 5 English Textual Question Answers,
Lesson 6 The Clever Monkey
Activity 1
Answer the following questions:
a. Where did the monkey live?
The monkey lived on the bank of a river.
b. Why was there no danger for the monkey on the river island?
There was no danger for the monkey on the river island because hardly any other animal lived there.
c. What was so attractive to the monkey?
The delicious, sweet and juicy fruits were very attractive to the monkey.
d. Where did the crocodile live?
The crocodile lived on the far bank of the river.
e. Who gave advice to the crocodile about catching the monkey?
Crocodile’s wife gave advice to the crocodile about catching the monkey.
Activity 2
Let’s take words from the coloured box and fill in the blanks:
a. The trees on the island had tasty fruits.
b. The monkey found that crossing the river was not very difficult.
c. The crocodile made many plans to catch the monkey.
d. The crocodile would lie still on the rock.
e. The wife of the crocodile wished to taste the flesh of the monkey.
flesh, plans, tasty, listen, swim, still, difficult, monkey |
Activity 3
Let’s match the words in column A with their meanings in column B :
A | B |
attractive | charming |
unique | one of its kind |
island | a piece of land with water on all sides |
delicious | mouth-watering |
still | not moving at all |
Activity 4
Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements in the given boxes:
a. The crocodile found that catching the monkey was a difficult job. [T]
b. The rock always talked to the monkey. [F]
c. The monkey jumped straight into the crocodile’s open mouth. [F]
d. The monkey returned to his home safely. [T]
e. The monkey was more clever than the crocodile. [T]
Activity 5
Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
a. The crocodile kept his head and tail well underwater.
b. After having a good meal, the monkey decided to return.
c. The not moving at all thought that he should speak to the monkey as the rock because the monkey may suspect something otherwise.
d. The monkey observed that every time the crocodile opened his mouth his eyes would shut completely.
e. The monkey had his home upon a riverside tree.
f. The crocodile was bigger in size and was also a bigger fool.
Activity 6
a. Answer the following questions:
a. Who swam to the rock?
Crocodiles swam to the rock.
b. Why did the monkey become suspicious?
The rock how seemed bigger than it was when the monkey landed on the island. So he became suspicious.
c. What was the monkey’s suggestion to the crocodile?
The monkey suggested the crocodile open his mouth wide and he will jump straight into his mouth.
d. What did the monkey tell the crocodile from his safe shelter?
The monkey from his safe shelter told the crocodile that the crocodile is bigger than him but at the same time, he is a bigger fool too. So he can never catch the monkey.
Activity 7
Fill in the blanks with words from the story. The first letters of the words are given:
a. The crocodile noticed the monkey crossing the river.
b. The monkey always escaped from the crocodile’s clutches.
c. The monkey thought that the crocodile was playing a trick once more.
d. The crocodile could not realize the clever monkey’s plan.
e. From his safe home, the monkey called the crocodile a fool.
Activity 8
Replace the underlined words with their opposites from the box:
a. Can you see the small tree? (huge)
b. This medicine tastes bitter. (sweet)
c. Last year the English question paper was easy. (difficult)
Sunita never feels nervous before an examination. (always)
e. I am carrying a light load. (Heavy)
f. The boy has curly hair. (straight)
heavy, sweet, always, straight, difficult, huge |
Activity 9
Let’s match the two sides :
Short form | Full form |
We’ll | we will |
I’m | I am |
She’s | she is |
Didn’t | Did not |
Weren’t | were not |
You’ve | you have |
Won’t | will not |
Can’t | can not |
Activity 10
Now read in pairs the following passage and underline the prepositions there. One is done for you.
The farmer took a sharp axe and struck at the trunk of the tree. All the creatures living in the tree started to request the farmer not to cut down the tree. But the farmer didn’t listen to them. He was in a hurry to finish off his work.
Activity 11
Let’s fill in the blanks with the prepositions given in the box:
a. The boy is looking at me.
b. Give this letter to your class teacher.
c. Put the duster on the table.
d. Fish lives in water.
e. Put off the light.
f. I go to school every day.
in, off, on, at, to |
Read the following sentences. Circle the subject and underline the predicate. One is done for you :
a. Day passed.
b. The rock never talked to the monkey.
c. Here comes the goalkeeper.
d. Every evening Mother cooks food for us.
e. Rohan plays cricket for a local club.
f. How big is the tree!
g. I don’t know his full name.
Activity 13
Let’s write a short story in eight sentences with the following hints. Give it a title.
A fox fell into a well- failed to get out- a goat came- fox asked the goat to drink water from the well- goat jumped in - fox climbed on the goat’s back- got out-goat remained in the well.
Title: The Sly fox and the goat
Once a fox was moving around a village in search of food. He wasn’t careful. Suddenly, he fell into a well. He tried a lot but failed to get out of it. A few minutes later a goat came and peeped into the well on hearing the fox’s cry. The fox told the goat that he is happy on getting such sweet water in the well and asked the goat to drink water from the well. The goat believed him and jumped inside. No sooner did he fall, than the fox climbed on the goat’s back and got out and the goat remained in the well forever.