- WBBSE CLASS 5th write a short story-The Sly fox and the goat || Story Writing

WBBSE CLASS 5th write a short story-The Sly fox and the goat || Story Writing
Language : English
The Note contains a ‘Story’ from WBBSE Class 5 write a short story-The Sly fox and the goat. Read the story carefully to enhance your knowledge.
Let’s write a short story in eight sentences with the following hints. Give it a title.
A fox fell into a well- failed to get out - a goat came- fox asked the goat to drink water from the well- goat jumped in - fox climbed on the goat’s back- got out-goat remained in the well.
Title: The Sly fox and the goat
Once a fox was moving around a village in search of food. He wasn’t careful. Suddenly, he fell into a well. He tried a lot but failed to get out of it. A few minutes later a goat came and peeped into the well on hearing the fox’s cry. The fox told the goat that he was happy about getting such sweet water in the well and asked the goat to drink water from the well. The goat believed him and jumped inside. No sooner did he fall, than the fox climbed on the goat’s back and got out and the goat remained in the well forever.