- An old lady And a doctor WBBSE CLASS 6th || Story Writing

An old lady And a doctor WBBSE CLASS 6th || Story Writing
Language : English
The Note contains a ‘Story’ from WBBSE Class 6 “An old lady And a doctor. Read the Story carefully to enhance your knowledge.
Develop a story within sixty words based on the following hints. Add a suitable title to it:
an old lady loses vision-calls in a doctor-agrees to pay a large fee if cured-doctor removes some of her furniture daily -lady is cured-she refuses to pay-says she cannot see any of her furniture.
1) Once there lived an old lady who lost her vision somehow.
2) She called a doctor and told her the problem.
3) The doctor charged a huge amount.
4) The old lady agreed to give him a huge amount of fee if cured.
5) The doctor started her treatment.
6) He visited there regularly to check on her.
7) He noticed a huge collection of precious furniture and was tempted.
8) He removed the furniture one by one.
9) Three months later the lady was completely cured.
10) The doctor asked for the fees.
11) But the old lady completely declared that her blindness wasn’t cured properly as she could not see her furniture.
12) So, she would not give him a single penny.
Moral: Tit for tat.