- Write a story about A scarcy Night journey in a lonely place by Bus WBBSE CLASS 9th || Story Writing

Write a story about A scarcy Night journey in a lonely place by Bus WBBSE CLASS 9th || Story Writing
Language : English
The Note contains a ‘Story’ from WBBSE Class 9 “Write a story about A scarcy Night journey in a lonely place by Bus. Read the Story carefully to enhance your knowledge.
Write a story within 100 words using the given hints. Give a title to the story:
Hints: returning from educational excursion by bus- night journey-sudden breakdown -tyres punctured-had to wait for two hours at a lonely place-tyres fixed-back home
Here's a modified version of the note:
Last December, our school organized an educational tour to Massanjore, which turned out to be an unforgettable experience. We traveled in a luxury bus and enjoyed the day thoroughly. However, our return journey took an unexpected turn. As we were driving through a dense forest, one of the bus tires got punctured, forcing us to stop in a secluded area far from civilization. As evening fell, the darkness was accompanied by eerie sounds of wild animals, reptiles, and insects, sending chills down our spines. We were gripped with fear, sharing anxious moments. Fortunately, the bus driver and crew sprang into action, replacing the punctured tire with a new one within half an hour. As the bus started moving again, our fear gave way to relief. Though it was a harrowing experience, it became a memorable incident in my life, teaching us to face and overcome unexpected challenges.