- CLASS 10
- Non - Detailed Text : Lesson - 3 : The Village Judge
- Class 10th English Chapter-13 The Village Judge Question Answer

Class 10th English Chapter-13 The Village Judge Question Answer
Class 10th English Chapter-13 The Village Judge Question Answer
Class 10th English Chapter-13 The Village Judge
Non - Detailed Text :
Comprehension Check
Q1. Who are the main characters here?
Ans: Here the main characters are Algu Chaudhury, Jumman Sheikh, his wife Kariman and their old aunt.
Q2. How did Jumman and his wife treat his aunt when she had her property?
Ans: When the old aunt had her property, Jumman and his wife Kariman treated her with great kindness and respect. She was given due attention.
Q3. Why did their behaviour change?
Ans: They treated their aunt with great kindness and respect because they wanted to possess the old lady’s property. So when the property was transferred from aunt to Jumman, their behaviour changed and all kindness vanished. They became harsh and rude towards the old lady.
Q4. What did the Aunt decide to do? Who did she finally go to?
Ans: The Aunt decided to call a panchayat against Jumman. Finally, she went to Algu Chaudhuri and requested him to come to her panchayat for a short while.
Q5. Algu was not ready to help Jumman’s aunt. How do you think he felt after she had left?
Ans: Algu was not ready to help Jumman’s aunt as he was an old friend of Jumman. But aunt told him that if he would hesitate to say the honest thing only to avoid a quarrel with a friend. Algu had no reply to this question and aunt left the place. I think after the aunt had left the place, Algu would have thought much about the old woman’s question. His conscience would have awakened and he would have decided to go to the Panchayat
Comprehension Check
Q1. Who was selected as the main judge? Why?
Ans: Algu Chaudhuri was selected as the primary judge in the Jumman-old aunt case. He was selected as the main judge by his aunt as she thought him to be acceptable to Jumman as one of his old friends. But aunt was dead sure that nobody would sell his conscience for friendship. The old aunt had a belief that the voice of the panch is the voice of God himself.
Q2. Algu was not ready to join the Panch. Why did he change his mind?
Ans: Algu was not ready to join the Panch because he did not want to be mixed up in the matter and go against his old Mend Jumman. But he changed his mind when he realised that the old lady had great faith in him and on his conscience as a Panch. The old lady also compared Panch’s judgement with the voice of God. That made him agree to join the Panch.
Q3. What was the judgement? Did you expect this judgement?
Ans: The judgement was in favour of the old aunt. Jumman was ordered to pay the monthly expenses of their aunt. Otherwise, the property he was given by her would be returned to his aunt. Yes, we expect this judgement because, in the eyes of Panch, nobody is a friend or a foe. A Pancha is compared with God as he always pronounces the right judgement.
Comprehension Check
Q1. What happened to the relationship between Jumman and Algu after judgement?
Ans: Algu’s judgement was in favour of the old aunt. After the judgement, the friendship between Jumman and Algu was broken up. They were never seen talking together. Even Jumman began to think of taking revenge on Algu.
Q2. One of Algu’s bullocks died. What did Jumman say? What did Algu think?
Ans: One of Algu’s bullocks died. Hearing this news Jumman said that it was the punishment for his deception to a friend because God sees all the good and evil. Algu suspected that Jumman had poisoned his bullock.
Q3. A new character is introduced in this section. Who is he?
Ans: The new character introduced in this section is Sanmjhoo, a businessman of the village. He used to drive an ekka to the town with ghee and sugar and returned with salt and oil to sell in the village.
Q4. Why did he want to buy the single bullock of Algu? Did he pay Algu for the bullock? What did he promise?
Ans: He wanted to buy the single bullock of Algu because he thought of making three to four trips by this bullock easily. No, he did not pay Algu for the bullock. He promised to pay off the bullock’s price within a month’s time.
Q5. How did Sahuji treat the bullock? What happened to it?
Ans: Shuji who was a cruel person treated the bullock mercilessly. He used to make three to four trips per day. He was not worried to give it fodder or water. He worried only about trips. One day he put a double load. The bullock was not able to walk as it was too tired. But Shuji whipped it with much cruelty. The bullock made the last attempt, but it fell down on the ground and died one evening.
Comprehension Check
Q1. Shuji had not paid Algu for the bullock. When Algu asked for the money, did Sahuji pay him? Why? / Why not?
Ans: Shuji had not paid for the bullock. When Algu asked for the money, Sahuji did not pay him the money. Both he and his wife told angrily that Algu had sold them a dying bullock. So they refused to pay any price for such a bullock.
Q2. A ‘Panch’ was called again. Who was the judge this time?
Ans: A Panch was called again. This time Jumman Sheikh was the judge.
Q3. What was the decision of the ‘panch’?
Ans: The decision of the panch was that Sahuji should pay the full price of the bullock. The bullock had died only for his negligence and harsh treatment. He used to overwork the bullock without giving it fodder or water.
Q4. Everyone hearing the judgement said, “This is a work of God.” Why?
Ans: Everyone told the judgement, to be the work of God because no one expected a right judgement from Jumman Sheikh that was in favour of Algu Chaudhury. As Jumman became a deadly enemy of Algu, it was sure that judgement would go against Algu Chaudhury. But as the judgement was right from every angle everyone said so.
Q5. There were two unexpected judgements in the story. Which one surprised you more? Why?
Ans: Among the two the second judgement surprised us more. Because in the case of the second judgement there began a die-hard enmity between Algu Chaudhury and Jumman Sheikh, the two intimate friends. As the case was, Jumman became the chief judge of the Panchayat where Algu was a party. So, it was sure that judgement would go against Algu. But to everyone’s surprise, Jumman pronounced a judgement in favour of Algu, which was cent per cent right. As a Panch, Jumman saw no difference between friend and foe, but only the truth behind the case.
Q6. Which character did you like the best in the story? Why?
Ans: The character we like the best in the story is Algu Chaudhury. Because he was such a character who was pious to the core. He was truthful from the beginning and he did not do any harm to anybody. As a Pancha, he pronounced a right judgement in favour of his aunt though he was an intimate friend of Jumman Sheikh. He did not sell his conscience for the sake of friendship.
Answer the following questions in fifty words.
Q1. Why did Jumman’s aunt want a ‘panch’?
Ans: ‘Jumman’ had an old aunt who had a small piece of property. As long as the property belonged to her, she was treated with much kindness and respect. But due to Jumman’s pursuance when she transferred his property to his name, both Jumman and his wife began to treat her rudely and harshly. She bore it for some days. But when she could not bear it anymore she asked Jumman to give her an allowance, by which she could cook for her separately. Jumman did not pay any heed to it and she threatened to take the matter to a panchayat. Jumman agreed to it. So Jumman’s aunt wanted a panch.
Q2.How did Jumman’s aunt win the case?
Ans:One evening a panchayat met under a tree to settle the quarrel between Jumman Sheikh and his aunt. Aunt chose Algu Chaudhury as the chief justice as he was acceptable to Jumman. Jumman was overjoyed as Algu was his intimate friend and the judgement would certainly go in his favour. But the old lady had deep faith in Pancha and believed the judgement of panch as the voice of God, whoever the panch may be. After becoming the panch Algu also felt something different and could feel no difference between his friends and his aunt. At last, he pronounced a right judgement which was in favour of Jumman’s aunt. This was how she won the case.
Q3. How did Sahuji’s bullock die?
Ans: After buying a bullock Sahuji was worried only about the trip not about giving fodder or water to the bullock. Using this bullock he began making three to four trips per day easily. So within a month, the bullock’s health broke down. One evening Sahuji put a double load during the fourth trip that the bullock could not able drove the ekka. So cruel Sahuji whipped it mercilessly. The bullock made a last effort, but fell on the ground and died. So due to the negligence of Sahuji, the bullock died.
Q4. Why was the second panch called?
Ans: The bullock sold to Sahuji died from starvation, overwork and physical violence. Shuji had not paid the price at the time of selling but promised to pay earlier. When Algu asked Sahuji for the price of the bullock, both Sahuji and his wife denied arguing that Algu had given them a dying bullock. At that time Algu felt helpless as he had many foes and they helped Shuji. But he did not want to lose a hundred and fifty rupees. The good people of the village advised him to take the matter to the panchayat and Sahuji consented to it. So the second panch was called.
Q5. People who heard the judgement said that it was the work of God. Why?
Ans: A panchayat was called for the second time to settle the dispute between Sahuji and Aigu. Shuji had denied paying the price for the bullock which he had bought from Aigu promising to pay within a month. In the panchayat, Sahiji chose Jumman as panch a die-hard enemy of Aigu thinking the judgement would go in his favour. In the first panchayat, Aigu gave a decision against Jumman, so it was natural that Jumman would give a decision against Aigu. But Jumman issued the decision that Sahuji had to pay the money to Aigu. The bullock died only because it was driven too hard and no proper arrangement was made to feed it. After hearing such a surprising and unbelievable righteous judgement people said that it was the work of God.
The following is the summary of the story. But it is jumbled. Put the sentences in order to get the summary. Pay special attention to the underlined words. These
are the clues to help you to arrange the summary. The first and the last sentence are in order.
1. Jumman Sheikh treated his old aunt badly after she gave her property to him.
2. Algus Judgement was in favour of the old woman.
3. Sahuji treated the bullock badly and it died.
4. H decided in favour of Aigu.
5. Jumman was very angry and decided to take revenge on Aigu.
6. Now that the bullock was dead, h refused to pay the money to Aigu.
7. A panch was called where Jumman was the chief judge.
8. Soon after the judgement, one of Angus bullocks died and he sold the other to Samjhoo Sahu.
9. So his aunt called for a panch and finally, Aigu Chaudhuri became the chief judge.
10. All the people praised the panch.
1. Jumman Sheikh treated his old aunt badly after she gave her property to him.
9. So his aunt called for a panch and finally, Aigu Chaudhuri became the chief judge.
2. Algu’s judgement was in favour of the old woman.
5. Jumman was very angry and decided to take revenge on Aigu.
8. Soon after the judgement., one of Angus bullocks died and he sold the other to Samjhoo Sahu.
3. Sahuji treated the bullock badly and it died.
6. Now that the bullock was dead, he refused to pay the money to Aigu.
7. A panch was called where Jumman was the chief judge.
4. He decided in favour of Aigu.
10. All the people praised the panch.