Bharatare Asahayog Andolana class 10 History chapter 2 Part 1


Bharatare Asahayog Andolana class 10 History chapter 2 Part 1 | LRNR Classes | Narayan Sir

Khilaphat Movement - ଖିଲାଫତ ଆନ୍ଦୋଳନ , Government of India Act 1919 - ଭାରତ ଶାସନ ଆଇନ୍ 1919 ମଣ୍ଟେଗୁ - ଚେମ୍ସ ଫୋର୍ଡ ସଂସ୍କାର - Mantegu-Chemsphord Reform - ଅସହଯୋଗ ଆନ୍ଦୋଳନ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକ୍ରମ -Program of Non -Cooperation Movement

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